Guatemala Missions


Sunday - 10AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service and 6pm evening service | Wednesday - 6PM BIBLE STUDY

MBA Mission Team

"Go Into All The World...." Matthew 28:19-20

For more than 10 years, individuals from Monroe County and the surrounding area have made their way to the country of Guatemala to be the hands and feet of Jesus and present to them the Gospel of Christ. Many different churches in the county have been represented year after year and have seen first-hand how God will bless everyone who simply steps out in faith and trusts His plan for them. The mission team does fundraising throughout the year and each member pays their own way. The trip includes an opportunity to serve for 10-days. Street evangelism, handing out care packs (made up of donated items), distributing Bibles, and ministering to local churches, orphanages and schools are some of the things that the team is able to do. God has continued to be faithful and through this mission team a church has been built and lives have been changed. If God is calling you to do something unique, step out on faith and know that He will see it to completion when we trust him.